# Getting Started

ModPublisher is a Gradle Plugin that allows modders to publish their mods to Modrinth, Curseforge and GitHub in one go.

No need for separate plugins, just one!

# Installing the Plugin

To use this plugin inside your project, first you have to add our maven.

To does this, open up settings.gradle and add the following:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://maven.firstdark.dev/releases"

Next, in your build.gradle add:

plugins {
    id "com.hypherionmc.modutils.modpublisher" version "VERSION"

Replace VERSION with the version above.

# Basic Setup

Add this into your build.gradle file:

publisher {
    // Setup the required API keys. You only need to define the keys for 
    // the platforms you plan on uploading to
    apiKeys {
        // Modrinth Token
        modrinth System.getenv("MODRINTH_TOKEN")
        // Curseforge Token
        curseforge System.getenv("CURSE_TOKEN")
        // GitHub Token
        github System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")

    // Enable Debug mode. When enabled, no files will actually be uploaded

    // Curseforge Project ID

    // Modrinth Project ID

    // Type of release. beta, alpha or release

    // Changelog. This can be a file, string, OR, gist/github url
    // For example: markdown.md, or "This is my changelog"
    // Or: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/changelogs/changelog.md
    // Or https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/92f825d3c9337964cc77c9c8c9bf65e6/raw/ceeaaee5b98c688a23398864fe480b84796a1651/test_gist.md

    // Required for Modrinth/GitHub

    // Fancy display name for the upload.
    // Will default to the project version if not set
    setDisplayName("[1.20.x] Simple Discord Link - ${project.version}")

    // The supported game versions
    setGameVersions("1.20", "1.20.1", "1.20.2")

    // The modloaders your upload supports.
    // This can also be an Enum from ModLoader,
    // like setLoaders(ModLoader.FABRIC, ModLoader.FORGE)
    setLoaders("forge", "fabric")

    // The new Curseforge Environment tag. Optional
    // Valid values are "server", "client" or "both"
    // You can also use CurseEnvironment.BOTH, or CurseEnvironment.SERVER or CurseEnvironment.CLIENT

    // The file to be uploaded. This can be a file, task, or string.
    // setArtifact("build/libs/mymod.jar")
    // setArtifact(jar.getArchiveFile().get())
    // If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing

    // Override the artifact uploaded to modrinth
    // setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, "build/libs/mymod.jar")
    // setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, jar.getArchiveFile().get())
    // If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing
    // Valid platforms are modrinth, curseforge and github
    setPlatformArtifact("modrinth", modrinthJar)

    // Disable the built in Fractureizer scanner

    // Add supported java versions. Currently only used by CurseForge
    setJavaVersions("Java 8", "Java 11")

    // Safety check to check if the artifact contains a valid mod metadata entry,
    // which could possibly mean that the jar is empty

    // Additional files to upload. Same as artifact, this can be a task, file or string
    addAdditionalFile(jar, secondJar)

    // Additional files to upload with a custom display name and changelog.
    // Currently only supported on Curseforge
    addAdditionalFile {
        // File, Task or String
        artifact jar
        displayName "Some Name"
        changelog "Hello Changelog"

# Installing the Plugin

To use this plugin inside your project, first you have to add our maven.

To do this, open up settings.gradle.kts and add the following:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("https://maven.firstdark.dev/releases")

Next, in your build.gradle.kts add:

plugins {
    id("com.hypherionmc.modutils.modpublisher") version "VERSION"

Replace VERSION with the version above.

# Basic Setup

Add this into your build.gradle.kts file:

publisher {
    // Setup the required API keys. You only need to define the keys for 
    // the platforms you plan on uploading to
    apiKeys {
        // Modrinth Token
        // Curseforge Token
        // GitHub Token

    // Enable Debug mode. When enabled, no files will actually be uploaded
    // Curseforge Project ID
    // Modrinth Project ID
    // GitHub repo to publish to. Only required for GitHub
    // Type of release. beta, alpha or release
    // Changelog. This can be a file, string, OR, gist/github url
    // For example: markdown.md, or "This is my changelog"
    // Or: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/changelogs/changelog.md
    // Or https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/92f825d3c9337964cc77c9c8c9bf65e6/raw/ceeaaee5b98c688a23398864fe480b84796a1651/test_gist.md
    changelog.set("Coming Soon")
    // Required for Modrinth/GitHub
    // Fancy display name for the upload.
    // Will default to the project version if not set
    displayName.set("MyAwesomeMod - Version")
    // The supported game versions
    // setGameVersions("1.20", "1.20.1", "1.20.2")
    gameVersions.set(listOf("1.19.3", "1.19.4"))
    // The modloaders your upload supports.
    // This can also be an Enum from ModLoader,
    // like setLoaders(ModLoader.FORGE, ModLoader.FABRIC)
    loaders.set(listOf("forge", "fabric"))
    // The new Curseforge Environment tag. Optional
    // Valid values are "server", "client" or "both"
    // You can also use CurseEnvironment.BOTH, or CurseEnvironment.SERVER or CurseEnvironment.CLIENT
    // setCurseEnvironment(CurseEnvironment.CLIENT)
    // The file to be uploaded. This can be a file, task, or string.
    // setArtifact("build/libs/mymod.jar")
    // setArtifact(jar.getArchiveFile().get())
    // If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing

    // Override the artifact uploaded to modrinth
    // setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, "build/libs/mymod.jar")
    // setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, jar.getArchiveFile().get())
    // If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing
    // Valid platforms are modrinth, curseforge and github
    setPlatformArtifact("modrinth", modrinthJar)

    // Disable the built in Fractureizer scanner

    // Add supported java versions. Currently only used by CurseForge
    setJavaVersions("Java 8", "Java 11")
    // Safety check to check if the artifact contains a valid mod metadata entry,
    // which could possibly mean that the jar is empty
    // Additional files to upload. Same as artifact, this can be a task, file or string

    // Additional files to upload with a custom display name and changelog.
    // Currently supports CurseForge only
    addAdditionalFile {
        // File, Task or String
        displayName("Test Name")
        changelog("Some Changelog")

Modrinth/Curseforge Dependencies