Getting Started
ModPublisher is a Gradle Plugin that allows modders to publish their mods to Modrinth, Curseforge and GitHub in one go.
No need for separate plugins, just one!
Installing the Plugin
To use this plugin inside your project, first you have to add our maven.
To does this, open up settings.gradle
and add the following:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://maven.firstdark.dev/releases"
Next, in your build.gradle
plugins {
id "com.hypherionmc.modutils.modpublisher" version "VERSION"
Replace VERSION with the version above.
Basic Setup
Add this into your build.gradle
This is just an example. You can remove what you don't need
publisher {
// Setup the required API keys. You only need to define the keys for
// the platforms you plan on uploading to
apiKeys {
// Modrinth Token
modrinth System.getenv("MODRINTH_TOKEN")
// Curseforge Token
curseforge System.getenv("CURSE_TOKEN")
// GitHub Token
github System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
// Enable Debug mode. When enabled, no files will actually be uploaded
// Curseforge Project ID
// Modrinth Project ID
// Type of release. beta, alpha or release
// Changelog. This can be a file, string, OR, gist/github url
// For example: markdown.md, or "This is my changelog"
// Or: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/changelogs/changelog.md
// Or https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/92f825d3c9337964cc77c9c8c9bf65e6/raw/ceeaaee5b98c688a23398864fe480b84796a1651/test_gist.md
// Required for Modrinth/GitHub
// Fancy display name for the upload.
// Will default to the project version if not set
setDisplayName("[1.20.x] Simple Discord Link - ${project.version}")
// The supported game versions
setGameVersions("1.20", "1.20.1", "1.20.2")
// The modloaders your upload supports.
// This can also be an Enum from ModLoader,
// like setLoaders(ModLoader.FABRIC, ModLoader.FORGE)
setLoaders("forge", "fabric")
// The new Curseforge Environment tag. Optional
// Valid values are "server", "client" or "both"
// You can also use CurseEnvironment.BOTH, or CurseEnvironment.SERVER or CurseEnvironment.CLIENT
// The file to be uploaded. This can be a file, task, or string.
// setArtifact("build/libs/mymod.jar")
// setArtifact(jar.getArchiveFile().get())
// If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing
// Override the artifact uploaded to modrinth
// setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, "build/libs/mymod.jar")
// setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, jar.getArchiveFile().get())
// If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing
// Valid platforms are modrinth, curseforge and github
setPlatformArtifact("modrinth", modrinthJar)
// Disable the built in Fractureizer scanner
// Add supported java versions. Currently only used by CurseForge
setJavaVersions("Java 8", "Java 11")
// Safety check to check if the artifact contains a valid mod metadata entry,
// which could possibly mean that the jar is empty
// Additional files to upload. Same as artifact, this can be a task, file or string
addAdditionalFile(jar, secondJar)
// Additional files to upload with a custom display name and changelog.
// Currently only supported on Curseforge
addAdditionalFile {
// File, Task or String
artifact jar
displayName "Some Name"
changelog "Hello Changelog"
Installing the Plugin
To use this plugin inside your project, first you have to add our maven.
To do this, open up settings.gradle.kts
and add the following:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://maven.firstdark.dev/releases")
Next, in your build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("com.hypherionmc.modutils.modpublisher") version "VERSION"
Replace VERSION with the version above.
Basic Setup
Add this into your build.gradle.kts
This is just an example. You can remove what you don't need
publisher {
// Setup the required API keys. You only need to define the keys for
// the platforms you plan on uploading to
apiKeys {
// Modrinth Token
// Curseforge Token
// GitHub Token
// Enable Debug mode. When enabled, no files will actually be uploaded
// Curseforge Project ID
// Modrinth Project ID
// GitHub repo to publish to. Only required for GitHub
// Type of release. beta, alpha or release
// Changelog. This can be a file, string, OR, gist/github url
// For example: markdown.md, or "This is my changelog"
// Or: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/changelogs/changelog.md
// Or https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hypherionmc/92f825d3c9337964cc77c9c8c9bf65e6/raw/ceeaaee5b98c688a23398864fe480b84796a1651/test_gist.md
changelog.set("Coming Soon")
// Required for Modrinth/GitHub
// Fancy display name for the upload.
// Will default to the project version if not set
displayName.set("MyAwesomeMod - Version")
// The supported game versions
// setGameVersions("1.20", "1.20.1", "1.20.2")
gameVersions.set(listOf("1.19.3", "1.19.4"))
// The modloaders your upload supports.
// This can also be an Enum from ModLoader,
// like setLoaders(ModLoader.FORGE, ModLoader.FABRIC)
loaders.set(listOf("forge", "fabric"))
// The new Curseforge Environment tag. Optional
// Valid values are "server", "client" or "both"
// You can also use CurseEnvironment.BOTH, or CurseEnvironment.SERVER or CurseEnvironment.CLIENT
// setCurseEnvironment(CurseEnvironment.CLIENT)
// The file to be uploaded. This can be a file, task, or string.
// setArtifact("build/libs/mymod.jar")
// setArtifact(jar.getArchiveFile().get())
// If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing
// Override the artifact uploaded to modrinth
// setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, "build/libs/mymod.jar")
// setPlatformArtifact(Platform.Modrinth, jar.getArchiveFile().get())
// If this is a task, the task specified will be executed before publishing
// Valid platforms are modrinth, curseforge and github
setPlatformArtifact("modrinth", modrinthJar)
// Disable the built in Fractureizer scanner
// Add supported java versions. Currently only used by CurseForge
setJavaVersions("Java 8", "Java 11")
// Safety check to check if the artifact contains a valid mod metadata entry,
// which could possibly mean that the jar is empty
// Additional files to upload. Same as artifact, this can be a task, file or string
// Additional files to upload with a custom display name and changelog.
// Currently supports CurseForge only
addAdditionalFile {
// File, Task or String
displayName("Test Name")
changelog("Some Changelog")